On a level of simple personal
On a level of simple personal survival, understanding and forgiveness are crucial… whether in an intimate personal relationship or on a global level.
I ask the people of Connecticut
I ask the people of Connecticut for their forgiveness, I should have paid more attention to people around me and people that I trusted but I am sorry for my actions and take full responsibility.
He that cannot forgive others breaks
He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself for every man has need to be forgiven.
In the evening of life we
In the evening of life we shall be judged on love, and not one of us is going to come off very well, and were it not for my absolute faith in the loving forgiveness of my Lord I could not call on him to come.
Forgive your enemies, but never forget
Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
Humanity is never so beautiful as
Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another.
Love is an act of endless
Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
Forgiveness is an act of the
Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.
It is often easier to ask
It is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.
Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger
Genuine forgiveness does not deny anger but faces it head-on.
If there is something to pardon
If there is something to pardon in everything, there is also something to condemn.
When there’s that forgiveness present
When there’s that forgiveness present and compassion, it just helps you live so much easier.
Forgiveness is the final form of
Forgiveness is the final form of love.
Soon I realized that if beauty
Soon I realized that if beauty equalled forgiveness, I was never going to be forgiven.
My desire is to stand up
My desire is to stand up and brush myself off when I make mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
I believe in Jesus Christ as
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. I believe that Jesus died for my sins, and rose again, and that’s my belief. I still don’t know what ‘Christian’ means. I’m a follower of Christ, but I keep making a whole bunch of mistakes. And I thank God for forgiveness.
I did a lot of things
I did a lot of things that I regretted and I certainly paid for my mistakes. You have to go and ask for forgiveness and it wasn’t until I really started doing good and doing right, by other people as well as myself, that I really started to feel that guilt go away. So I don’t have a problem going to sleep at night.
God will forgive me. It’s
God will forgive me. It’s his job.
I would say that playing this
I would say that playing this character has caused me to think about a lot of things. He’s always questioning himself and trying to get back to something he lost touch with and trying to find forgiveness. Everybody struggles with these things to some extent in their life.
Forgiveness means letting go of the
Forgiveness means letting go of the past.